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Cooperate Events Such As Jordan Brand, CRWN Basketball League, Nike Store, Sephora, And Concerts. Ready To Take His Craft To The Next Level, Outside The Club Scene. With Experience Under His Belt, ALIEN Has Managed To Tour Across The United States With Major Superstars, Having That Connection Has Also Opened The Doors For Private Celebrity Events And A Cross Country Canadian Tour. The Key Is Bringing An Element Of Surprise To A Mix MAR$ Strives To Separate Himself From The Normal DJ Out There, By Bringing Individuality And A Unique Ear For Music In A Different Way. Bass Thumping And High Energy Club Feeling, A Mark Through The Airwaves That Leaves You Mesmerized. ALIENONMAR$ Gives The World A Taste Dope Live Mixes And Key Blends That Leave A Heavy Impression.